45 years ago family dentistry meant the same as general dentistry. People expected the family dentist to be a jack-of all trades, providing a wide menu of services like orthodontics, root canals, extraction and dentures. Dentists were expected to treat patients of all ages from early childhood through the elderly.
Since then there has been an expansion of knowledge and technology. We now know that a single practitioner cannot master the wide range of techniques necessary to deliver functional, durable dentistry. Techniques are more sophisticated and complex. For example, in 1977 an extraction simply meant removing the tooth. Now, bone preservation must be considered with every tooth that is removed as well as the subsequent replacement, like a dental implant. The site must be managed from the time before the tooth is removed until the after the final restoration is placed, sometimes a year later.
For this and many similar reasons, family dentistry requires a team of specialists. The group is selected to provide consistency and longevity over the life of the patient. The family dentist is now serving in a roll as a coordinator of service as well a primary care giver.
Why Choose a Family Dentist?
A family dentist is familiar with your entire family’s dental health. They’ve seen your kids grow up, and they’ve also seen your aging parents. This allows them to easily spot any changes in your overall health. They might see that you have diabetes or heart disease, and this could put you at risk for certain dental problems.
A family dentist can address your entire family’s dental needs in a single appointment. When a family dentist sees multiple family members with different dental needs, he or she can provide comprehensive care in a single appointment instead of sending everyone to a different specialist. Your family dentist will take the time to get to know each member of your family, including their dental history, current concerns, and personal goals. This can help them develop a comprehensive treatment plan that addresses everyone’s unique needs
A family dentist can maintain your family’s oral health through proactive treatment. A family dentist is a perfect choice for preventative dental care. He or she can help your whole family maintain healthy teeth and gums, prevent common dental problems, and detect small dental issues before they become painful.
To find out more about the dental services offered by our dentist in Albuquerque NM, Dr. Snyder, call (505)-293-7611, schedule an online consultation or visit us at 4830 Juan Tabo Blvd. NE, Ste. K, Albuquerque, NM, 87111.