Children, Dentists And Facial Growth
It is easy to see how our ancestors who ate traditional foods, from the garden and the hoof, and were breastfed, grew to have splendid facial form with broad dental arches and free of cavities.
This one huge difference in diet has greatly affected facial growth and a large range of facial features. When considering children, Dentists and facial growth, Dentists might see children with no cavities but rarely see a child with good facial form. According to research, it is actually more common to see children with crooked or crowded teeth and other issues that can have long range effects on children than not.
We define good facial form as having the following characteristics:
Attractive Face
Proper Airway (no sleeping issues etc.)
Straight teeth
Balanced jaw Joints
We define poor facial form as having the following characteristics:
Less attractive face (long, lower jaw behind upper or lower jaw ahead of upper jaw)
Breathing issues (snoring, restless sleeper, nightmares, bed-wetting, asthma, allergies, ENT problems)
Crooked or Crowded teeth
Clicking jaws or Teeth grinding
In a perfect world, we would want to spot these issues before they develop. Thankfully, there are signs and symptoms we can look for:
Unusual or recurring illnesses such as ear, nose and throat issues.
Sleep apnea
Other conditions to look for are low or ultra-high-energy levels or attention spans and bed wetting.
And even though some of the above conditions are commonly found in kids, these may also be warning signs that our children are not experiencing normal growth patterns in their teeth or jaws that would surely lead to more serious issues later in life.
Dentist are in a unique position to identify the signs, symptoms, and risk factors for facial growth conditions. Choosing a dentist with the necessary training to detect issues could greatly impact your life.
To find out more about the dental services offered by our dentist in Albuquerque NM, Dr. Snyder, call (505)-293-7611, schedule an online consultation or visit us at 4830 Juan Tabo Blvd. NE, Ste. K, Albuquerque, NM, 87111.